Simon Ronin biography | بیوگرافی و معرفی سیمون رونین

Simon Ronin biography | بیوگرافی و معرفی سیمون رونین

در این پست قصد داریم شما را با خواننده جوان و خوش صدای کشور سیمون رونین آشنا کنیم .

سیمون رونین کیست ؟ بیوگرافی ، از این

هنرمند که به زودی کارهای زیبایی خواهیم شنید . به ادامه مطلب مراجعه کنید

Simon Ronin biography | بیوگرافی و معرفی سیمون رونین

Simon Ronin is an Iranian singer and songwriter. He was born in 1985 in Bushehr Iran.

His passion for art started since childhood. He started to learn guitar at the age of 15. He was also good in writing poet. As he was learning guitar he tried to practice his singing.

In 2009 Simon got his diploma in film making from(Iranian Youth cinema society). But the journey of exploring different sides of art was not over for him.

In Early 2010 he did a course in voice acting at
Glory Entertainment and after he finished the course Simon was introduced to karaj radio to work there as a part time voice actor.


In 2013 Simon met a music band in Karaj and this led to a collaboration in his fist song called The Wish. then he wrote his second song called Heyfe to Nist.

In 2013 and after finishing his military service Simon decided to migrate abroad to study.

After migration he was involved with some visual content making projects. Such as music videos and short film.

In early 2020 he again wrote a song called Code Davinchi which is also the name of his first album. In this album he has released 8 tracks.

Simon’s ability to sing various genres in music such as Hip-hop, Rap, Rock, R&B and pop has made him really popular among the persian young generation. He is now working on his second album which 3 of the songs are already made but not published yet.

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  1. فرشته گفت:

    سیمون یه هنرمند با اخلاق و باشخصیته که صدای جذاب و زیبایی داره و کارهایی که ارائه داده همه عالی هستن با آرزوی موفقیت روزافزون برای این هنرمند بینظیر

  2. علی گفت:

    زنده باد ایران و ایرانی..
    امیدوارم بااین کلیپی که داده جونش درخطر نباشه،
    هرچند که آرزوی همه ما نابودی آخوند هرزه هست

  3. سیناترا گفت:

    چه شخصیتی ؟ والا تمام کارهاشو ببین همش بی تربیتی و مسائل و توهین جنسیه . اخلاق کجا بود

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